Broker Resources

Reverse Factoring and Supply Chain Finance

Businesses, large and small, will face cash flow problems at one point or another within their supply chains. Sufficient financing options for these businesses are increasingly difficult to come by as supply chains continue to become increasingly complex and evolve in the wake of tighter lending practices, high interest rates, and a volatile economy.  One …

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How Factoring Brokers Can Identify and Connect with Prospective Clients

The uncertainties facing small and medium-sized businesses – difficulty in obtaining loans, rising interest rates, and high rates of inflation, to name a few – have created many situations where businesses need to consider alternative forms of business funding, such as invoice factoring, to fund their working capital needs. The challenge for factoring brokers is …

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Planning for Success: The Importance of Prequalification and the Deal Submission Process

Successful factoring brokers and ISOs who understand the importance of prequalification and the deal submission process for invoice factoring get more deals approved faster and with fewer problems. They develop a strong working relationship with the factoring companies they deal with and build a solid, growing book of business. Prequalifying the Prospective Client The most …

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The Big Picture: Bank Workouts and Opportunities Created by Bank Failures

The recent bank failures, finance regulations, and an ever-changing economic climate are impacting lending practices all across the country.  Lending from U.S. banks and other traditional financial institutions has contracted significantly indicating a tightening of lending standards. This has resulted in more bank turn-downs and loan workouts leaving many small to medium-sized businesses in distress …

The Big Picture: Bank Workouts and Opportunities Created by Bank Failures Read More »

Common Objections to Invoice Factoring and Responses to Overcome Them

If you are a Financial Broker or ISO, you may have encountered some business owners who are uncomfortable with the idea of factoring their invoices.  Helping prospective clients better understand the concept and clearing up misconceptions is important to help them decide if factoring is the right decision for their company.  The following are a …

Common Objections to Invoice Factoring and Responses to Overcome Them Read More »

Construction Industry Overview for 2023: Navigating the Challenges and Uncertainty

The U.S. engineering and construction (E&C) industry had strong results in 2021, with construction spending growing by 8%. Robust construction spending carried over into 2022 and was bolstered by passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the CHIPS and Science Act (CSA) of 2022. The CSA provides $52.7 billion in funding for American …

Construction Industry Overview for 2023: Navigating the Challenges and Uncertainty Read More »

Broker Resources: Getting the Most for Your Minority-Owned Business Clients

If you have a client that is a minority-owned small business, you may have learned the hard way that equal opportunity may not always apply to ease of access for business funding options. Minority-owned small businesses, also known as Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), grew by 79% between 2007 and 2017, to approximately 11.1 million businesses, …

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The Impact of Fintech on Financial Brokers

If you are a financial broker or ISO, fintech has undoubtedly shaped your brokerage’s business practices as more financial service providers incorporate new technologies to alter how they interact with clients as well as originate and fund transactions. In this article, we’ll discuss what fintech is, where it is headed with new technology and applications, …

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How Financial Brokers And ISOs Can Help Their Clients Recover From Natural Disasters

In the aftermath of major earthquakes, hurricanes, and wildfires, the recovery process generally requires a well-coordinated response and partnership between insurers, governmental agencies, aid organizations, financial institutions, service providers, and businesses to help the people and businesses affected rebuild their homes, businesses, and lives.  The following is how financial brokers and ISOs can help in …

How Financial Brokers And ISOs Can Help Their Clients Recover From Natural Disasters Read More »

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