
Contracting Business Efficiently and Profitably

Grow Your Contracting Business Efficiently and Profitably

Have you considered making an investment for growth, but don’t feel that your company is quite ready? Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC and Trend Consulting Group have partnered to offer their clients an additional layer of financial and management support.  This additional support is designed to help their clients increase their scale of operations efficiently and …

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Invoice Factoring

Understanding Invoice Factoring

Invoice factoring is a common practice that enables businesses to receive immediate payment in exchange for selling accounts receivables at a discount to their face value. Once an invoice is“ “Factored” and it is time for the customer pays for a product or service, the payment is forwarded to the factoring company. One of the …

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Aftermath of the Dodd-Frank Law

The Aftermath of the Dodd-Frank Law

In 2008, when the American housing market crashed, it created a ripple effect in financial institutions. When the Dodd-Frank law went into effect in 2010, its purpose was to “promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system.” Since being passed, only one new bank has opened …

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Will Repealing Dodd-Frank Make Borrowing Easier - explained by Capstone

How the Dodd-Frank “Too Big to Fail” Legislation Hurts Small Banks

We have written numerous times about how the Dodd-Frank “Too Big to Fail” legislation is hurting smaller banks and interfering with loan approval for your small and medium-sized businesses. Much of the regulation was designed to stop large money-center banks from taking depositor money and executing risky investments or engaging in risky transactions, which would …

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Job Growth Accelerates in the US

Job Growth Accelerates in the US

For the first time since 1997, the job market has seen more than one million new jobs created over the last three months. This is the most significant indicator of economic growth to come. The last five years have been volatile, with many finding it difficult to find appropriate work at livable wages. The accelerated …

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Position Your Company for Growth

Position Your Company for Growth

Since June of 2014, oil prices have declined by over 40% causing the US dollar to surge in value against most other currencies throughout the world. This may have had a negative impact on the oil patch and US exporters, but it is creating greater disposable income for the middle class. According to the New …

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A Case Study From Capstone

A Case Study From Capstone

Through the use of Capstone unique funding programs, our clients take advantage of opportunities that would otherwise be lost as a result of being undercapitalized. One of our most recent success stories is an interior design firm that was the successful bidder for a Fortune 100 pharmaceutical firm. They required a renovation of the electronic …

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Why Policy Dictates the Economic Outlook

Why Policy Dictates the Economic Outlook

Last year, small businesses made capital investment decisions over whether an expiring tax provision, Sec. 179—which allowed for $500,000 of accelerated depreciation for equipment purchases—would be continued, or whether a scaled-down version with a much lower threshold of $25,000 would take its place, according to The Wall Street Journal. In December, Congress reinstated the larger …

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Spring Brings ‘Spec’ Homes

Spring Brings ‘Spec’ Homes

Though winter is still upon us, builders are betting on a strong spring with speculative, or ‘spec’ homes. The construction of such homes is already underway with home builders getting a head start. Speculative homes are homes built without a buyer in place. The advantage of ‘spec’ homes to home builders is the assumption that …

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