Grow Your Contracting Business Efficiently and Profitably

Contracting Business Efficiently and Profitably

Have you considered making an investment for growth, but don’t feel that your company is quite ready?

Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC and Trend Consulting Group have partnered to offer their clients an additional layer of financial and management support.  This additional support is designed to help their clients increase their scale of operations efficiently and profitably.

Our primary goal is to help our clients accelerate and achieve their growth initiatives on a profitable basis.  The two prong approach will sustain our client’s growth in the long term.  To accomplish sustainable long-term growth most companies require competent management and additional capital.  Our additional layer of support provides both essential ingredients to our clients’ success.

Today’s Real Estate and Construction Markets require a high level of performance from contractors.  With elevated performance levels our client’s resources are stretched thin.  We have found that without proper funding and management support most growing contractors are left with two options neither of which should be acceptable to companies that are trying to grow profitably


Turn down new business and increased demand from existing customers because your company is at capacity and does not possess the capital, internal process, nor the project management in the field to confidently deliver on your contractual obligations.


Accept more new business than your company can handle only to realize your existing clients will suffer and that you’ve set your company up for losses, negative brand impact, and a reactive business model which typically leads to insolvency or in some cases much worse!

The Goal of our partnership is twofold:

1. To give our growing clients access to the funding they need when they need it through Capstone’s flexible single invoice factoring and funding solutions.

2. Deliver effective project management outsourcing solutions through Trend’s comprehensive reporting, process, documentation, and effective field management model.

This one two punch of strategic resources is designed to ensure you are well prepared to grow your business effectively and profitably while boosting your company’s brand and reputation.

Capstone deploys Single Invoice Factoring Programs to fund General Contractors and Subcontractors to ensure on time performance of tasks. Capstone specializes in Single Invoice Factoring (“Spot Factoring”) for firms in need of immediate cash. We provide flexible, no contract invoice purchases in exchange for working capital. Our highly experience construction professionals are on staff to facilitate the purchase of construction related accounts receivable.  They have operated on job sites as project managers, so we understand how critical it is to have available funds for payroll, suppliers and operating expenses. Knowing that Capstone will purchase your invoices provides you with the confidence to bid on new jobs and grow your business.

Trend strives to improve our client’s overall experience while engaging in a new construction project(s). Our goal is to change the “USUAL” way construction projects are managed and improve the process through our comprehensive project management services. We put a heavy focus on process and documentation while managing our client’s projects.  This is accomplished by incorporating our cloud based project management software to help boost overall project efficiencies.  Our service also includes automated reporting capabilities to ensure all parties are well informed every step of the way throughout the duration of their project.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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