
Manufacturing Still Matters in the U.S.

Manufacturing is an important facet of the U.S. economy, despite the increase in imported goods steady elimination of factory jobs here in the states. With private sector manufacturing jobs representing only 10% of the workforce now versus 25% during the 1980s, it would seem the private sector wouldn’t provide much stamina.  However, this disregards those …

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Bye-Bye, Branches-Branch Closures Signal Big Changes in Banking Services

As banking continues to go through changes and services become more electronic-based, bank branches are slowly falling off the map. Just under 2,600 bank branches have closed in 2014, while a mere 1,137 have opened. SNL Financial reported that 2013 saw a net loss of 1,487 branches while 2014 has seen a loss of 1,462 …

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Here Comes the Surcharge: Big Banks Dealt another Regulatory Blow by the Feds

Here Comes the Surcharge: Big Banks Dealt another Regulatory Blow by the Feds In another effort to reduce the risk of too big to fail banks and financial institutions, the Federal Reserve plans to hit the largest of U.S. banks with an expensive new regulation.  Accordingly, Federal regulators intend to impose a surcharge on the …

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The Fed’s Answer to U.S. Economic Growth: Let Them Have Loans-With Little to No Risk

In a recent move by Washington to stunt economic growth, Washington agreed to a two-step strategy.  The first step involves Fannie Mae bringing back low and no money down mortgages. The second step would be to discourage business loans. A few weeks ago, Mel Watts, the Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, discussed plans …

The Fed’s Answer to U.S. Economic Growth: Let Them Have Loans-With Little to No Risk Read More »

Lawmakers Continue to Turn Up The Heat On Big Banks

In a recent hearing before the Senate Banking Committee, lawmakers continue to call for increased regulatory reform from regulators in an effort to reduce the risk big banks pose to the U.S. financial system. A distinction was made between large banks and other financial institutions. Several senators encouraged regulators to lessen the burden, or possibly …

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