
Banks Threatened as Lending Leaders - Capstone Financing

Banks Threatened as Lending Leaders?

Since time immemorial banks have been the default institution for lending, but online lending sites, together called FinTech companies, are now posing a threat to bank’s hegemony. FinTech Companies a Legitimate Threat to Banking? Though there are many FinTech enthusiasts, some believe this is simply a phase that will fizzle out, much like the peer-to-peer …

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Banks Attempt to Finance Small Businesses Fall Short - Capstone Funding

Banks Attempt to Finance Small Businesses Fall Short

Since the financial crash, small loans have represented a decreasing percentage of banks’ overall business. Banks are hesitant to work with small businesses, and—naturally—small businesses are hesitant to borrow from the very same lenders who many believe caused the crash in the first place. Trying to improve the state of affairs, banks have now begun …

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Contracting Business Efficiently and Profitably

Grow Your Contracting Business Efficiently and Profitably

Have you considered making an investment for growth, but don’t feel that your company is quite ready? Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC and Trend Consulting Group have partnered to offer their clients an additional layer of financial and management support.  This additional support is designed to help their clients increase their scale of operations efficiently and …

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Invoice Factoring

Understanding Invoice Factoring

Invoice factoring is a common practice that enables businesses to receive immediate payment in exchange for selling accounts receivables at a discount to their face value. Once an invoice is“ “Factored” and it is time for the customer pays for a product or service, the payment is forwarded to the factoring company. One of the …

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