Capstone to Appear on Worldwide Business News

Capstone to Appear on Worldwide Business News

Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC’s Managing Member Joseph F. Ingrassia will appear on Fox Business Network’s Worldwide Business with Kathy Ireland® on November 15th to discuss how Capstone has taken factoring, funding, and financing to a whole new level. Below is a brief summary of what you’ll hear on Worldwide Business on November 15th at 5:30 p.m. ET.

Concerns about the Financial Industry

The number one complaint we hear from clients is about the lengthy approval process of traditional loans. Traditional loans rarely offer the necessary capital to capitalize on business opportunities when they come along.

Why should a company consider factoring their accounts receivables?

We customize funding to our clients’ needs. Unlike a bank, which has very few ways of lending, we have a variety of strategies. Most banks lend against a company’s balance sheet, but Capstone focuses on sales. This allows us to lend more capital to growing companies with large, credit-worthy customers than if we were to lend to them directly.

With advanced credit underwriting, we’re able to offer capital at critical moments. If their customer doesn’t pay, that’s our loss, not our client’s. Capstone looks forward and invests in potential.

Construction Lending

While most lending companies shy away from contractors and subcontractors, Capstone favors the construction industry. We factor all subcontractors and all trades with progress billing. We help minority contractors get the appropriate working capital to participate in lucrative contracts. With payment coming at project completion, some companies can’t expect payment for several months. To get around this, Capstone allows companies to bill monthly and create cash flow.

Capstone Advantages

Capstone is more flexible and responsive than traditional funders. Our services require less paperwork, and we may provide ongoing support when projects run into overages. By partnering with Capstone, our customers can negotiate from a position of strength and win valuable contracts. This changes the dynamic of negotiations considerably. We can work with our client’s banks or replace them. We’ve allowed companies to maintain their lines of credit and work with us to improve their balance sheets. We do not offer government-guaranteed programs that take 6-9 months for approval.

The Process

To begin, Capstone performs due diligence. We collect accounts receivables information, contracts, insurance information, and perform searches for liens. The process takes anywhere from 48 hours to 5 business days. We’ve established strategies that allow companies with under 20 million a year in sales to compete and thrive. If you’re interested in our diverse financing options, visit our homepage or give us a call to speak with a representative.

Don’t forget to see the Joseph F. Ingrassia’s complete interview on November 15th on Fox Business Network at 5:30 p.m. ET.

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