
Understanding Non Recourse Factoring

Like any type of financing, accounts receivable factoring is a risk taken by the factoring company. In most cases, accounts receivable factoring is based on the creditworthiness of the underlying customer. Therefore, a factoring company does not provide financing for invoices that are made to an individual customer, instead they provide funding against invoices made …

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music royalty funding

Developing a Strategic Funding Plan for Your Small Business

Every business requires cash to remain fully operational. This is a must, regardless of the size of the business. While most business owners have strategic plans in place for business expansion, marketing, and hiring talent, few of them have a well-thought out plan for obtaining the capital necessary to keep the doors open. Business Failure …

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Small Bank Crisis

The Crisis Facing Community Banks and the Small Businesses Who Rely on Them

Publicly traded banks recently hit record stock prices. The sudden increase in value was dubbed the “Trump Trade” because investors believe his policies will be positive for a growing economy and banks would—and should—be at the center supporting such an economy. Since the election in November, bank stocks have risen around 24% and continue to …

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Ways to keep Debt under control by Capstone

Getting Business Debt Under Control

One of the many reasons business owners are unable to grow their business is because they have too much existing debt. This can mean they are unable to borrow the funds they need to expand. Whether expansion involves new equipment, hiring new employees, or upgrading facilities, strong cash flow, and lower debt makes a difference. Evaluate Your Current Debt The first step in getting your debt …

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