Small Business Funding Crunch - Capstone business financing

The Small Business Funding Crunch

According to a new study, there should be no doubt about how strapped for cash many small firms are today. Small Business Funding by the Numbers JPMorgan Chase Institute think tank relied on data collected from their in-house bank to work up an analysis of the current state of the small-business sector. They found that …

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Small Banks Get a Big Break - Capstone Financing

Small Banks Get a Big Break

Banks with less than $250 billion in total assets may soon be seeing a relief in their federal obligations. A proposed alteration from the Federal Reserve could mean that smaller regional banks who do not conduct significant nonbank or international business would be exempted from certain parts of the stress tests on their economic resilience. …

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Made in USA - Capstone Financing

Indianapolis Manufacturers Express Concern Over Presidential Trade Platform

In a state where manufacturing is an economic support beam, Indiana businesses are growing more and more concerned over the presidential race implications for trade. Former IN Governor Mike Pence ran his 2012 gubernatorial campaign on a strongly pro-trade platform and voted for every available free trade initiative during his House of Representative tenure. However, …

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Number One Threat to Long-Term Economic Growth - Explained by Capstone

This is the Number One Threat to Long-Term Economic Growth

Amid positive job reports and a surging stock market, one factor still presents a major obstacle to long-term economic growth in the US: a persistent slackening of productivity. We are currently in the midsts of the longest downward slide in worker productivity since the 1970’s, an unfortunate asterisk that should accompany the latest round of …

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