
Let the Games Begin!

The Federal Reserve (“Fed”) has now entered into its fourth month of reducing the impact of quantitative easing on the economy.  The original theory behind quantitative easing was that if the Fed purchased bonds, it could sustain lower interest rates for borrowers. Therefore, more companies would borrow, which in turn, would help the economy with import …

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Last Friday the US Jobs report for January 2014 was published.  The economy created 175,000 new jobs in the month of January.  Economists expected this figure to be lower because of severe weather throughout the United States.  If the figure was smaller, the typical cycle of the economy losing steam in the Spring would have …

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Get In the Game!

Last week, we wrote a funding support letter for one of Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC’s clients who submitted a bid on an opportunity with the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (“Port Authority”).  The company submitted their bid along with a letter of funding support to prove to that they had sufficient access …

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I’ll Have a Large Digital Pie, Hold the Anchovies

Last Friday there was a Wall Street Journal article entitled “Apps Are Wrecking Mom-and-Pop Pizza Shops.”  The primary reason why independent pizza shops are losing business is their failure to develop methods of communicating with online and mobile technology.  Essentially, with purchase order factoring and invoice factoring in the mix, the chain and franchise pizza …

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Look Out Below!

Is your head spinning?  Depending on what you are reading, the economy is now declining after retail sales have been calculated for the holiday season.  Durable goods orders are down, new housing starts have slowed and car sales are expected to plummet.  Emerging markets are taking a hit because the Federal Reserve (Fed) is pulling …

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It’s the Economy, Stupid?

Everyday, depending on what consumers or employers are doing, the economy is either growing or contracting.  There are a few Economic Indicators or news announcements that you might be interested in following to come to your own conclusions:  The decision by the Federal Reserve (“Fed”) to either increase or decrease the Quantitative Easing (“QE”). Whether …

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