Keeping up the Pace: Embracing changes in technology in order to stay relevant in a digital marketplace

Is your company keeping pace with new innovation and technology?  If the answer is no, it is likely your company will not last very long.  In order to survive in a digital society, companies must embrace and keep pace with changes in innovation and technology.  According to some experts, keeping pace with change means testing new ideas and building new businesses within your organizations, as well as being aware that all media is social. 
Investing in IT and technology infrastructure, in addition to marketing expansion and new ventures is key to a company’s growth during uncertain economic times.  According to Futurist Jim Carroll, the top 10% of companies who survived and thrived during the “Great Recession” of 2007-2009, did so by specifically deciding to make bold moves to invest in world-class innovation, despite economic uncertainty. 
Soraya Darabi, Co-Founder of Zady and Social Entrepreneur gives five reasons why a company should embrace new media and technology.  The first reason is that understanding innovation as it evolves keeps your company relevant.  Darabi adds that not understanding innovation as it evolves makes your company irrelevant.  Next, Darabi states that by embracing new media and technology, companies create positive brand awareness.  Additionally, a company that evolves technologically will have a better ability to reach new audiences and new demographics.  There is also an opportunity for companies to generate additional revenue by utilizing smartphone app technology. 
As you can see, by investing in technology and new media, a company will have the ability to remain nimble, grow and ultimately succeed in a digital economic climate that shows no signs of slowing down. 
Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC wants to help your business succeed by getting you the investment capital you need to help your business grow and continue to stay relevant.  Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC specializes in Single Invoice Factoring (Spot Factoring), purchase order factoring for firms in need of immediate cash. Spot Factoring provides flexible, no contract invoice selling in exchange for working capital from Capstone Corporate Funding.
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