How Brokers Can Identify the Right Invoice Factoring Partner

invoice factoring partner

As a financial services broker, identifying the right partners is essential. Too often, brokers offer leads to providers of financing and find themselves on the outside looking in. Therefore, identifying capable and trustworthy invoice factoring partners early in your career is essential.

Most brokers are looking for an ongoing relationship that does not cost them future revenue; exceptional communication between the funding company and themselves; training when needed; and tools to help them maximize their business potential.

This model holds regardless of the amount of business the broker is referring and which products they need to meet the needs of their clients. That is why for years, brokers have learned to rely on Capstone.

Capstone Values Broker Relationships

If your business focuses on small companies and embraces minority-owned firms, you need a trusted partner. Your clients’ needs come before anything. You often seek opportunities to provide them with unique methods of obtaining the cash they need to keep their business functioning. Some of the ways Capstone demonstrates their commitment to broker relationships include:

  • Custom packages for your clients – every customer has unique needs and we will work with you and with your client to make sure we offer them a package that meets those needs.
  • Local services – regardless of where your client is located, we can help.
  • Regular commission checks – if we are doing business with your customer, you will get a regular commission check from us.
  • Training – you need never worry about any uncertainty with our products. We provide you with training, educational materials, and brochures, so you know which products you can safely offer.

If you are looking for a partner you can trust to help you grow your business by assisting your customers, today is the day to reach out to Capstone. Contact Capstone Corporate Funding today at (212) 755-3636 and see how we can enable you the opportunity to grow your own business while providing your clients with the financing they need to grow their businesses.


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