Factoring and PO Purchasing Help Where Banks Don’t

According to a recent study by sociologists and economists at Harvard, Stanford, and the University of California, almost half of all U.S. 30-year-olds make less than their parents did at their age. That’s a disappointing conclusion about income in America—one that has likely had an effect on entrepreneurial activity. Combined with banks’ reticence to lend money to businesses, gathering the necessary capital to create or sustain an enterprise has become increasingly difficult.

Thankfully, bootstrapping and business loans aren’t the only solutions for business owners. Capstone provides financial services to help grow and sustain small businesses. Depending on your business and cash flow needs, there are multiple options that may work for you. If you need assistance determining which may be best for your organization, contact Capstone Corporate Funding for more information.

Single Invoice Factoring

One way to acquire working capital is through single invoice factoring. With single invoice factoring, also known as spot factoring, a company essentially sells its invoice to a credit group at a slightly discounted cost in order to receive an advance.

For example, if you’re a government contractor who has completed work on an invoice that won’t be paid out until 30 or 90 days after job completion but are in need of working capital to purchase supplies for another job or opportunity, you can sell your invoice to a financier to receive a percentage of the invoice as an advance. The remainder of the invoice, minus a fee, is then paid out once the invoice is paid.

If approved, single invoice factoring results in quicker cash flow than a bank loan and can be easier to apply for. One an application is approved, this credit can be applied towards purchasing supplies, payroll costs, or other business expenses.

Single invoice factoring does not require a multi-year contract or future invoice factoring.

Discount Factoring

For organizations looking for a longer term relationship with a credit group, discount factoring may be more appropriate. Whereas single invoice factoring does not involve a multi-year contract and only deals with one invoice, discount factoring can include a contract and multiple invoices. For companies intent on growth, this may be a better option than single invoice factoring. However, the best way to determine whether this is the case is to speak with a credit group to learn more about their services and requirements.

Purchase Order Financing

When cash is needed so that a company can fill an order or complete a job, purchase order financing from a reputable credit group can fill the gap. With purchase order financing, the financier pays for the necessary goods or for a portion of them. When the end buyer pays for their goods, that payment goes directly to the financier who keeps their fee and then sends the balance to their client.

Purchase order financing is extremely useful for subcontractors such as electricians, roofers, and architects.

As they attempted to quantify the American Dream, the researchers mentioned at the beginning of this article weren’t able to define direct factors for the decline in upward mobility. They did, however, imply that an economic slowdown and a widening income gap could be at fault. Whether this will change anytime soon is uncertain.

For those who have struck out on their own to create businesses, this stagnation doesn’t have to put your business in a holding pattern. While many turn to the banks in hope of SBA loans, it’s important to note that Capstone Corporate Funding provides the financial services necessary to help small businesses excel and succeed.

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