Construction Spending is Booming in New York Amid Certain Challenges

Despite the recent surge in construction spending in New York, recent reports indicate the number of permits issued are down compared with prior years. The building congress which promotes the construction industry in New York estimates that while construction spending will increase this year, only 20,000 residential units will be created. This number represents a mere 9% increase in the total number of units built since 2013; this figure is still relatively low since more than 30,000 units were constructed annually during the period between 2005 and 2008.

Although some might see this uptick in residential development spending as a major step in the right direction, others believe there are still some significant challenges which need to be overcome. Particularly in the area of affordable housing. Mayor Bill de Blasio has been pushing for more affordable housing, however experts point to certain challenges including, high cost of land, rezoning issues, and city bureaucracy which makes it difficult for developers to build anything other than luxury condominiums.

 According to Richard Anderson, president of the Building Congress, “While the luxury residential market is booming in Manhattan and in parts of Brooklyn and Queens, we have our work cut out for us in terms of achieving Mayor de Blasio’s plan to create or preserve 200,000 units of affordable housing over the next decade.”

 The good news coming out of all of this is that the number of jobs created as a result of this surge in construction spending. Experts estimate construction jobs to reach 122,700 in 2014. With construction jobs slated to increase this year, the need for invoice factoring by contractors, sub-contractors, and construction companies has never been greater. It is common knowledge that in the construction industry, customers are slow to pay and contractors, sub-contractors, and construction companies for their work. Now these individuals and companies can get immediate cash for their invoices.

 With Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC’s single invoice factoring program, we can help you move on to the next phase of your project right away, or you can even take on new projects without worrying about additional working capital requirements.

 We have been helping small to mid-sized businesses for years obtain the necessary working capital they need to sustain and grow during uncertain economic times without all the red tape you normally get from most banks. Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC specializes in Single Invoice Factoring (“Spot Factoring”) for firms in need of immediate cash. Spot Factoring provides flexible, no contract invoice selling in exchange for working capital from Capstone Corporate Funding.

 To learn more what we can do for our and your business, visit us on the web at, or give us a call today at (212) 755-3636.

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