Look Out Below!

Is your head spinning? 

Depending on what you are reading, the economy is now declining after retail sales have been calculated for the holiday season.  Durable goods orders are down, new housing starts have slowed and car sales are expected to plummet.  Emerging markets are taking a hit because the Federal Reserve (Fed) is pulling back on quantitative easing.  Banks cannot lend any longer for leveraged buyouts.  Banks are limiting their exposure to any business that they feel will require more than normal due diligence whether they require loans or simply deposit accounts.  It looks like the world is ending in the macro economy.
All of these events could affect your business if you let them.  We have learned that opportunity is always out there in the micro economy.  You may remember from your freshman year of college the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.  At Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC, we are focused on the microeconomics of your local economy and sniffing out opportunities there.  These opportunities are created by regional differences and influences throughout the United States.
The quantity of substantial infrastructure projects currently planned in every part of the country is unprecedented.  How much of this work are you going after?  Never before has so much emphasis been placed on set aside work for disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) including minority-owned (MBE), women-owned (WBE) and veteran owned (VOB)businesses.  How much of this work can your company bid on?  Don’t get caught up in all of the political double speak that takes up so much of the news.  Focus in on your micro market, your sphere of influence and Grow Your Business.
For the last five years each Business Cycle began with much promise early on in the year and by the end of April the promise had evaporated.  Yet the stock market and housing market continued to grow due to the Fed’s Quantitative Easing.  Now that the Fed is reducing its bond-buying program, everyone fears the economy will retract. 
For those in the Construction Industry, once the funds are committed to an infrastructure project, the project will continue until it is finished regardless of economic conditions.  The same does not apply to the private sector.  It’s time to sharpen your pencils and let the noise play in the back ground while you bid on the work that is out there.  Be aggressive and grow your business.  Capstone Corporate Funding, LLC is here to help you with Contract Funding to support the bids you will win this year while you defy the economists who are predicting “doom and gloom” for the macro economy.
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