Purchase Order Finance Tag

Funding Your Startup

The Pros and Cons of Funding Your Startup through Credit Cards

20:38 06 October in Blog by Capstone

Is funding your startup through credit cards a viable solution? After all, not every aspiring entrepreneur is lucky enough to qualify for a business loan. We’ll tell you the risks of funding your startup with credit cards and some alternative strategies you can explore. Tempting Low...

Purchase Order Factoring

Is Purchase Order Financing Good for Business Loans?

21:37 22 September in Blog by Capstone

Even if you don’t qualify for a traditional business loan, there are options out there. Purchase order financing is just one of them. As you’ll see, certain kinds of businesses might want to make purchase order financing their first choice. We’ll tell you what it...

Regulators Rethink ‘Too Big to Fail’

19:18 03 October in Blog by Capstone

"Too Big to Fail Banks" (TBTF) has a nice ring to it if you are a banker, but many struggling citizens are demanding tougher regulations on the members of the Federal Reserve System (FED). The United States is considering increasing the surcharge for being part...

Deceptive Headlines: Read the Fine Print

19:30 06 February in Blog by Capstone

A headline from the Money & Investing section of The Wall Street Journal on January 30, 2014 was “U.S. Banks Start to Ease Limits on Lending”.  What a casual observer would glean from such a headline is that the banks are open for new Business...

Download: Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act – Contract Opportunities and Funding Analysis

Capstone wants your business to take full advantage of the opportunities (or use projects) available through the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act recently signed into law.



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